Sunday 9 February 2014

How To... Embellish an old jumper

If you're anything like me, you'll have clothes you haven't worn for a while hidden away in a drawer, or perhaps something you bought on impulse but have never worn and it's taking up space in your wardrobe. Well, this year I've decided to get more use from what I already have- I can't always afford new things and I'm also conscious of waste, so they'll be lots of customizing and re-inventing of my wardrobe from now on!
This is a quick D.I.Y way to update an old jumper...

1). You will need...

An old jumper, beads/gems/ other embellishment materials of your choice, thread to match your jumper, sewing needles, scissors

2). Stitch beads around the neckline

Choose your arrangement of beads and stitch around the neckline of your jumper. I've decided to up-cycle the plastic pearls from a broken necklace. This is a really versatile project- you could use what you have in your beads/buttons/bits and bobs stash, or you could buy new embellishments from a craft store.

 Just three or four stitches through each bead should be enough to secure them in place. Here I've just added one row of beads, but add as many as you like, or make a pattern! The world is your oyster here.

3). Add your gems

If you don't have any gems to hand or you'd prefer to use something else, you could use buttons or large beads, or any other embellishments that would go with your theme. There are no hard and fast rules, you're going to wear it so go for what you like! I've chosen these lovely star sew on gems

4). And you're done!

It really is as simple as that- one jumper saved from a life at the back of a drawer and a fun and cheap update to your wardrobe!

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