Wednesday 25 March 2015

How To... Make Pretty Napkins Using Tea Towels and Pompom Trim!

Try my latest thrifty How To and turn a set of tea towels into colourful napkins! These would be fab for a special dinner/garden party and you could even use them as place mats too! Here's how to make 

1) You will need

Cotton tea towels (one tea towel makes two napkins), pompom trim, fabric scissors, pins, sewing machine, thread to match the pompom trim, hand sewing needle

A note on tea towels- If you have any vintage tea towels that are in good condition they would make lovely napkins, but if not, buy a pretty set to match your dining colour theme

2)  Wash and iron the tea towels. I'm terrible at ironing so mine look a bit crumpled... oops. Cut each tea towel in half across the width. Fold over the raw edges by 1cm, then press, pin and tack into place

3) Straight stitch each raw edge on the sewing machine,stitching close to the raw edge. 

4) Cut two pieces of pompom trim to the length of the napkin. You need two pieces per napkin. Place the trim on the edge of the napkin so the pompoms hang over the edge, then pin and tack into place

5) Again using a running stitch, machine stitch along the pompom trim, close to the edge without the pompoms

Happy making!

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